
Saturday, 29 October 2011

Exercise Myths - Part 1

Today I am going to share some common fitness myths.

The first exercise myth that I will share is that doing crunches (or other abdominal exercises) will get rid of fat around your belly. This is simply false. Doing crunches helps to develop and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, as well as helping to improve your posture. You CANNOT select where you lose fat, so doing abdominal exercises will not rid you of belly fat. To see your abs you need to combine cardio-vascular exercises with muscle building and this will help to decrease overall body fat. 

The second myth that I will discuss is the theory of ‘No Pain, No Gain’. The basic truth is that training should not be painful. If you are in pain, or uncomfortable, then your body is telling you something, so listen to it! 

 Hope this helps. 


1 comment:

  1. Great tips! There's also a difference between being in pain and being sore from a good workout. DOMS is fine, but hurting yourself isn't.
